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Industrial Contributions of Sir C P Ramaswamy Iyyer


Sachivottama Sir C.P. Ramaswami Aiyar, K.C.S.I, K.C.I.E, LLD is commonly known to then people as Sir C.P. He  was an intellectual giant of the 20th century. He was one of the foremost of modern Indians, great as a scholar, lawyer, politician and administrator. The brightest feather in Sir C.P’s cap as the father of industrialization of modern Travancore was the establishment of industries. The Diwan embarked on a scheme of large scale industrialization. His Grace Dr. Benedict Mar Gregorius, Archbishop of Trivandrum, described Dr. Ramaswami Aiyar as “a great benefactor of Kerala, a brilliant son of India and versatile genius of the world. He strove for excellence and perfection in whatever he did”.

Introduction    Life&Achievements   IndustrialContributions   

 Conclusion       FootNotes    EndNotes  Bibliography


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