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Industrial Contributions of Sir C P Ramaswamy Iyyer

End notes


            The researcher proposes the following scheme for this study. The economic history of modern Travancore is inextricably inter twined with its industrial policy. In the 20th century modern Travancore economy took place many economic change as a result of the impact of various industrial policy of the Government. The most important personality among the industrial policy of modern Travancore during the 20th century was Sir CP Ramaswami Aiyar. The first chapter is an introduction about Sir CP. It explain the magnetic personality of Sir C.P Ramaswami Aiyar. The second chapter try to study about the life and achievements of Sir CP. The third chapter proposed to highlight the industrial contributions of Sir C.P Ramaswami Aiyar in the modern Travancore. The fourth chapter reviewing then evaluation of industrial policy of Sir.CP.



            The method adopted in the study is that of explanatory narrative based on the industrial effect resoning. This study propose to utilize both primary and secondary sources. Primary sources constitute Government Gazetteers. Secondary sources constitute Books, Journals, Sovenior, News paper and Website on the 20th century Kerala industrial conditions, work about Sir C.P Ramaswami Aiyar and industrialization of modern Travancore etc

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